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Achillis Bocchii Bonon. symbolicarum quaestionum de Universo genere quas serio ludebat (Emblems of Achilles Bocchius.)
Giulio Bonasone
Plate 71The wheel of fortune with clothed figure lying on it, set before a landscape; from a series of 150 engravings. 1555

Jost Amman
Fortune, printer's mark of Nicolaus Basse; nude female figure turned to right standing on a wheel, her feet winged, holding a piece of cloth in her left hand and a knife in the right.

After Pietro Testa
The young man favoured by Fortune, who stands nude at the left on her wheel, with Time and Envy unable to prevent the youth's success; after a drawing by Pietro Testa. 1656

Foglietto che non falla. Tempo guerrier e Fortuna che gira
Print made by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
Satire on the war: Time sharpens a sword on a wheel of the four continents which is turned by Fortune. 1692

Pierre Michel Alix
Allegorical scene, probably a frontispiece or a title-page, with personification of Fortune as a naked woman carring a horn of plenty and standing on a wheel beside an antique temple surmounted by a rooster and decorated with three fleur-de-lys on a blue shining sphere.

Filippo Calendi
After Michelangelo
Winged Fortune on a wheel scattering crowns and arrows, after a composition then thought to be by Michelangelo; lettered state. 1849

Louis Lafitte
Napoleon on Elba, design for a medal from Napoleon's 'Histoire Metallique', 1809-13; classical woman on rocks, with eagle and Wheel of Fortune, within a Zodiac border, circular
Pen and brown ink, with brown wash, over graphite
---------------Fortune and the Boy---------

Fortune and the Boy
La Fortune et le jeune enfant
Print made by Edm