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 LiveInternet.ru:   ??? title=
: 13.02.2016
: 13179


?? :
?/a>(95), (975), (167), (3), (9), ?? ?/a>(521), ?/a>(41), (1), (13), (19), (20), ?/a>(166), (39), ???? ?/a>(31), (37), ??/a>(15), ?/a>(16), (11), ???/a>(31), ?/a>(15), ?/a>(18), ?/a>(19), (23), ?/a>(1), (40), ??/a>(274), (14), (197), ?/a>(5), (11), ??/a>(971), (253), ?/a>(52), ???/a>(50), (198), ??/a>(44), (149), (155), ?/a>(211), ?/a>(47), ?/a>(87), ?/a>(91), (2), (64), ?/a>(26), ?/a>(24), ?/a>(31), ?/a>(19), (1), ?/a>(91), ??/a>(110), ?/a>(713), ?/a>(710), ??/a>(4), ?/a>(7), ?/a>(35), ??/a>(3), ??/a>(1), ?/a>(2), (6), (40), ?/a>(7), (17), (16), ?/a>(11), ?/a>(2), (44), (8), ?/a>(269), ? ??/a>(39), (193), (15), ?/a>(62), ?/a>(20), ?/a>(21), ? ?/a>(809), ?/a>(609), (151), (5), ?/a>(222), (1), ?/a>(20), (12), ?? ?/a>(574), ?/a>(41), ?/a>(0), ??/a>(260), ?/a>(45), ?/a>(50), ?/a>(22), (47), (339), ?(107), (23), (338), (112), ?/a>(61), (38), (26), ?/a>(169), ?/a>(173), ?/a>(615), (2), ?/a>(185), (79), (73), ??/a>(5), ?/a>(13), (33), (2), ?/a>(1), (0), (16), ?/a>(170), ?/a>(179), ?/a>(171), (37), (83), ?/a>(6), ?/a>(3), ?/a>(47), (61), (1), ?(3), ???(61), ??/a>(62), ?/a>(2), ?/a>(29), ? (1), ?/a>(4), ?/a>(21), ?(290), ?(278), (14), (281), ?/a>(18), (4), ?/a>(45), ?/a>(8), ?/a>(6), ???(22), ?-?/a>(4), (75), (8), ?/a>(5), ?/a>(122), ?/a>(127), ??/a>(102), ?(8), (440), (2), ?/a>(2), (8), (11), ?/a>(16), ?/a>(15), ?/a>(163), ?/a>(173), (12), (1), ???/a>(54), ?/a>(189), ?/a>(31), ?/a>(33), (25), ?/a>(5), (3), ?/a>(72), (1), (4), ?/a>(89), ?/a>(1), (66), (67), (77), (9), (14), ?/a>(64), ?/a>(62), (252), ?/a>(177), (12), ?/a>(204), ?(5), ?/a>(16), ??/a>(448), ?/a>(145), ? (13), ? (8), (4), ?/a>(31), ?/a>(30), (4), (105), ?/a>(178), (16), (11), (12), (13), (10), ?/a>(478), ?/a>(345), ?/a>(9), (21), ?(6), ??/a>(16), ?/a>(92), ?/a>(114), (27), ???/a>(53), ???/a>(122), ?/a>(8), ?/a>(44), ?/a>(7), ???/a>(661), ?/a>(5), (6), (9), ???/a>(1), ?/a>(0), ?/a>(0), ?/a>(71), (59), ??/a>(14), ??/a>(18), ??/a>(169), ?(23), ?/a>(64), (5), ??(4), (11), (18), (21), (99), ?(79), ?/a>(97), ?/a>(28), ?/a>(5), ?/a>(31), ?(8), ???/a>(36), ?/a>(122), ?/a>(104), ?/a>(86), ?(71), ?(272), (13), (0)

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? 09 ? 2023 ? 20:13 + ?


- ? Garabandal ochevidtsy...


? 09 ? 2023 ? 20:04 + ?



? ? ?? .


? 09 ? 2023 ? 20:01 + ?





? 09 ? 2023 ? 18:02 + ?
 ? src=
I. ?br />
?- ?
1. ?(Alibi) 1931 - ?"?quot; ( " ??quot;)
2. (Black Coffee) 1931
3. ??(Lord Edgware Dies) 1934

1. ? (Le Coffret de Laque) 1932 - ?" "

?- ?
1. (The Wasp's nest) ( "??") 1937

?- ???
1. ?(Appoinment with Death) ( "?quot;) 1950

?- ?è
1. ???( " ?") 1955

1. ?(Hercule Poirot) 1961 - " ?"

1. ?(Hercule Poirot) ( "???quot;) 1962 - " ?"

?- ?br /> 1. (The Alphabet Murders) 1966 + ?( ? )

?- ?
1. (Black Coffee) 1973

?- ?br /> 1. ???(Murder on the Orient Express) 1974 + ??(), ?(?, ? ?(), (?, ? (?, ? () ?.

?- ??br /> 1. (Death On the Nile) 1978 + ? (), ? (?, ? ()
2. ???(Evil under the Sun) 1982 + ? (), ? (?, ()
3. (Thirteen at dinner) 1985 - . " ??quot; + ? (?, ?()
4. ? (Dead’s man folly) 1986 + ? (?)
5. ? ?(Murder in three acts) 1986 + ?(), ()
6. ?(Appoinment with Death) 1988 + (?, ??(?

?- ?
1. ? (Endhauzo paslaptis) 1981

?- ?
1. ?(Murder by the book) 1986 - ?br />
?- ?br /> 1. ? 1987 + ? (), ? (??

?- ?
1. ???(Murder on the Orient Express) 2001

1. ??2002 - " ??quot; + (?, ??(?), ??(?, ??(?

(? -
1. ???(Orient Kyuukou Satsujin Jiken) 2015
2. ?(Kuroido Goroshi) 2018 - " ??quot;
3. (Shi to no Yakusoku) 2021 - " ?quot;

?- ?br /> 1. ???(Murder on the Orient Express) 2017 + (?(?), (?, ? (?, (?, ??(?, ?(?

1. (The A.B.C. Murders) 2018
? ?/span>
 ? src=
?- ?
1. ? (The adveture of the Clapham cook) 1989
2. ???(Murder in the Mews) 1989 + ??()
3. ( The adventure of Jonnie Weverly) 1989
4. (Four and Twenty Blackbirds) 1989
5. ??(The Third-Floor Flat) 1989
6. ??(Triangle at Rhodes) 1989
7. (Problem at sea) 1989
8. ? ?(The Incredible Theft) 1989
9. (The King of Clubs) 1989
10. ?(The Dream) 1989 + ?()
11. ? (Peril at End House) 1989
12. ??(The Veiled Lady) 1989
13. ?? ?(The Lost Mine) 1989
14. ? ?(The Cornish Mystery) 1989
15. ? (The Disapearance of Mr. Davenheim) 1989
16. ? (Double Sin) 1989
17. (The Adventure of the Cheap Flat) 1989
18. ???(The Kidnapped Prime Minister) 1989
19. (The Adventure of the Western Star) 1989
20. ? (The Mysterious Affair at Styles) 1989
21. ? ??? (How does your garden grow?) 1991
22. ? (The million dollar bond robbery)1991
23. ? (The affair at the Victory ball)1991
24. (Wasps' nest) 1991 + ? (?
25. ? ? ?(The tragedy at Marsdon manor) 1991
26. ? (The double clue) 1991
27. ? ?(The mystery of the Spanish chest) 1991
28. ??/ ? (The theft of the royal ruby) 1991
29. (The Plymouth express) 1991
30. ?? (The mystery of hunter's lodge) 1991
31. (The ABC murders) 1992
32. ??(Death in the clouds) 1992
33. ? ? ?? (One, two, buckle my shoe) 1992
34. ?? (The adventure of the Egyptian tomb) 1993
35. ? (The underdog) 1993
36. ?(The yellow iris) 1993
37. ???(The case of the missing will) 1993
38. ? ?(The adventure of Italian nobleman) 1993 +? (?
39. ? (The chocolate box) 1993
40. ? (Dead man's mirror) 1993
41. ?? (Jewel robbery at the Grand Metropolitan) 1993 +? (?
42. ?? ?(Hercule Poirot's Christmas) 1995 + ()
43. (Hickory Dickory Dock) 1995 + ?(?
44. (Murder on the links) 1996
45. ??(Dumb witness) 1996 + ? ()
46. ??(The murder of Roger Ackroyd) 2000 + ?(?
47. ??(Lord Edgware dies) 2000
48. ???(Evil Under The Sun) 2001 + (?
49. ??(Murder in Mesopotamia) 2001
50. ? ??(Five little pigs) 2003
51. ??(Sad cypress) 2003
52. (Death on the Nile) 2003 + (),??)
53. (The Hollow) 2003
54. ? (The mystery of the Blue Train) 2006 + (?, (??
55. ? ?(Cards on the table) 2006 + ? (), (?
56. ??(After the funeral) 2006
57. ??(Taken at the flood) 2006 + ??()
58. (Mrs. McGinty's Dead) 2008 + ? (), ??()
59. ???(Cat Among the Pigeons) 2008
60. ?(Appointment with Death) 2008
61. ? ?(Third Girl) 2008 + ? (), ??()
? ?/span>
 ? src=
62. (The Clocks) 2009
63. ? ? ?(Tragedy in three acts) 2009 + ??()
64. ? (Halloween's party) 2010 + ? (), ??(), ()
65. ???(Murder at the Orient Express) 2010 + ?(?, ? (?
66. ???(Elephants can remember) 2013 + ? (), (-)
67. (The big four) 2013 + ??()
68. (Dead man's folly) 2013 + ? ()
69. ??(The labours of Hercules) 2013
70. ?(Curtain) 2013 + ??()

II. ?br />
?- ??br /> 1. ?? (MA Murder is announced) ( "??Goodyear") 1956

?- ?br /> 1. ?? (Murder, She Said) 1962 - "?4.50 ?quot; + ? ()
2. (Murder at the Gallop) 1963 - "??quot;
3. (Murder most foul) 1964 - " "
4. (Murder Ahoy!) 1964 - "??'

1. ? ?(Mord im Pfarrhaus) 1970 - " ? "

1. ? (The Mirror Crack'd) 1980 - "?? ?" + (), ()

?- ??br /> 1. ?(A Carribean mystery) 1983
2. (Murder with Mirrors) 1984 - "??"

?- ?
1. ?" ?quot; 1983 - ", ?quot; + ?(?, ?()

?- ?
1. ? (The body in Library) ( "?") 1984
2. ??(The Moving finger) 1985
3. ?? (A Murder is announced) 1985 + (?
4. , ?(A pocket full of Rye) 1985 + (?
5. ? (Murder at the Vicarage) 1986 +?(?
6. ? (Sleeping Murder) 1987
7. ?"?quot; (At Bertram’s Hotel) 1987
8. (Nemesis) 1987
9. ?4.50 ?(4.50 at Paddington) 1987
10. ?(A Carribean mystery) 1989
11. ?? (They do it with mirrors) 1991
12. ? ? ? (The Mirror Crack'd From Side to side) 1992 + ()

? ( ? - ?br /> 1. / ? (Shubho Mahurat) 2003 - "? ? ?"
? ?/span>
 ? src=
?- ?br /> 1. ? (A body in the library) 2004 + ()
2. ? (Murder at the vickarage) 2004 + ??(?, (??
3. ?4.50 ?(4.50 at Paddington) 2004
4. ?? (A murder is announced) 2005 +? (?
5. ? (Sleeping Murder) 2005
6. ??(The Moving finger) 2005
7. ? ?(By the Pricking of My Thumbs) 2006 + (?, ? (?, (?
8. ? (The Sittaford mystery) 2006 + (??
9. ??? (Towards Zero) 2007 + ? ()
10. (Nemesis) 2007
11. ?"?quot; (At Bertram’s Hotel) 2007
12. (Ordeal by Innocence) 2007 + (?

13. , ?(A Pocket Full of Rye) 2008
14. ??(Murder Is Easy) 2008 + (), (?, (?
15. ? (Why Didn't They Ask Evans?) 2008
16. ?? (They Do It with Mirrors) 2008
17. ?? (The Secret of Chimneys) 2010 - ? "?"
18. (The Blue Geranium) 2010 - "13 ?quot;
19. ? (The Pale Horse) 2010
20. ? ? ? (The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side) 2010 + (?
21. ?(A Caribbean mistery) 2013 + ?()
22. ??(Greenshaw's folly) 2013 + ?"??quot; ?"? ?quot;
23. ? / (Endless night) 2013

??( ? - ?
"? ??" (Agathe kann's nicht lassen)
? ? ?br /> 1. ??br /> 2. ??
3. ? ?br /> 4. ?
5. ?br />
( ? - ?
" , ? ?quot; (Miseu Ma, Boksooui Yeoshin)
1. ??br /> 2. ? ? ?
3. ??
4. ?

?( ? - ??br /> 1. ?4.50 ?(Paddington hatsu 4ji 50pun: Shindai Tokkyuu Satsuhin Jiken) 2018
? ?/span>
 ? src=
?br /> ???- ??? (Agasa Kurisutî no meitantei Powaro to Mâpuru)
1. ??
3. ? ? - " ?quot;
4. - " ?quot;
9-10. ??
11-12. ??
13. ?( )
14. ?
16-18. ?
19-20. ??br /> 21-24. ?4.50 ?br /> 25-26.
27. ???br /> 28-29. ?- " ? "
30-33. ?
34. 24 ? - "24 "
35. ?
36-39. ??br />
III. ???br /> ?- , ?- ??br /> 1. (The Secret Adversary) 1983
2. ???(The Affair of the Pink Pearl) 1983 +? ()
3. , ? (The House of Lurking Death) 1983
4. ? (The Sunningdale Mystery) 1983
5. ?(The Clergyman's Daughter) 1983
6. ? ? (Finessing the King) 1983 +? ()
7. ??(The Ambassador's Boots) 1983 +? (), ? ()
8. ?? (The man in the mist) 1983
9. ?(The unbreakable alibi) 1983
10. ? (The Case of the Missing Lady) 1984
11. ?(The Crackler) 1984 +? ()

?- ?, ?-
1. ? ?(Mon petit doigt m'a dit...) 2005
2. ? - ?? (Le Crime est notre affaire) 2008 - "? "
3. ? (Associés contre le crime: L'oeuf d'Ambroise) 2012 - " ?"

?- ?? ?-
1. (The secret adversary) 2015
2. ??? (N or M?) 2015
? ?/span>
 ? src=
"??" (Agatha Christie’s Hour) 1982 + ? ( ):
2. ???br /> 3. ??
4. ??br /> 5.
6. ?
7. ? ?br /> 8. ?
9. ?
10. ???br />
" ?" (Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie) 2009-...
2. ??? - "??quot;
3. ? - "?? ?quot;
4. ? - "?"
5. ?? - "???quot;
6. ??- "??quot;
7. ? ??br /> 8. ?? - "??quot;
9. ?- " ?"
10. ?
11. ? ?- " ??quot;
12. - "??"
13. ? ?- "?"
14. ?br /> 15. ? - " ?"
16. ??- "? "
17. ?
18. ?- " "
19. ?"?quot; - " ?quot; / ""
20. ??
21. ?
22. ? ?- "??"
23. ? ?- "? "
24. ?
25. ?- " ? "
26. ??br /> 27. ????- " ?quot;
28. ?? ?br /> 29. ?
30. ? - "? ?quot;
31. ??( )
32. ?? ??br /> 33. ??- "?? ?quot;
34. - "?"
35. ?? - "???quot;
36. ??
37. ?br /> 38. ? ( )
? ?/span>
 ? src=
"?" (The Pale Horse)
1. ? (The Pale Horse) 1997
2. ? (The Pale Horse) 2020 + ? (?

" " (Ordeal by Innocence)
1. 1984
2. 2009
3. ? ? ... (Abriaa Wa Laken: Innocent... However) 2015 - ?"??quot; ?" ?quot;
4. ??2018

"? " (And Then There Were None) / " " (Ten Little Indians)
1. ? 1945
2. ? ? 1949
3. ? (Bylo 10 Murzynków) ( "??quot;) 1957
4. ?? (O Caso dos Dez Negrinhos) ( "?quot;) 1959
5. ? ?(Ten Little niggers) ( "ITV ?") 1959
6. ? ? 1959
7. ?? ?(O Caso dos Dez Negrinhos) ( "??") 1963
8. ? (Gumnaam) 1965
9. ? 1965 + ? ()
10. ? ? 1966
11. ? ? (5 bambole per la luna d'agosto) 1969
12. ? ?(Zehn kleine Negerlein) 1969
13. ? ?(Dix petits negres) ( " ??") 1970
14. ? (Nadu Iravil) 1970
15. ? ? (Ein Unbekannter rechnet ab) 1974 + ??((?), ?(()), ??()
16. ? ? 1975
17. ? ?(Deka Mikroi Negroi) ( "? ?quot;) 1978
18. ? ?1981
19. ? (Ten little maidens) 1985
20. ? ?1987 + ?(), ??(?, ??(?, (), ? ()
21. ? ? 1989
22. ? (Suspicions) 1995
23. ? ( "") 2010
24. ?(Aduthathu) 2011
25. ? 2015 + ??(), ??(?
26. ?(Aatagara) 2015
27. ? ??(Soshite daremo inakunatta) 2017
28. ? (Ils étaient dix) 2020

"? ? ?" (? ?
1. ??(Daijoyuu satsujin jiken) 2007
2. ??(Daijoyuu satsujin jiken) 2018

"" (The Hollow)
1. ??(Kiken na onnatachi) 1985
2. ??(Le grand alibi) 2008
3. ?/ 2020

" " / " ?quot; / "?" (Love from a Stranger)
1. 1937 + ? ()
2. 1938
3. 1947 (?
4. 1947 ()
5. ? (Ein Fremder kam ins Haus) 1957
6. 1958
7. (Ein Fremder klopft an) 1967

"?quot; (The Mouse trap) / "? ?quot; (Three blind mice)
1. ? ?1947
2. ? ?( "? ?") 1950
3. ? ?(Die Fuchsjagd) 1954
4. ?(Musefælden) 1955
5. ? ?(Três Ratinhos Cegos) ( "?quot;) 1956
6. ?(Chupi Chupi Aashey) 1960
7. ?(Pontikopagida) ( "? ?quot;) 1976
8. ?1986
9. ?1990 + (?, ? (?)
? ?/span>
 ? src=


?! ,


? 28 2022 ? 21:04 + ?


?(2020) 1-11 cepu ?/b>


? 13 2022 ? 00:08 + ?


?(2020) 1-11 cepu ?/b>


? 13 2022 ? 22:27 + ?


? Sant'Agostino


? 26 2022 ? 23:18 + ?


?. 1993 HD ? ? ?


?? 25 2022 ? 21:10 + ?


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?? 18 2022 ? 19:34 + ?


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?? 04 2022 ? 23:26 + ?


UP/ . ?


? 23 ? 2022 ? 18:28 + ?


?- ? / ???/b>


? 24 ?2022 ? 22:57 + ?




? 09 ?2022 ? 22:50 + ?


? ? - 1-8 (2014)


? 06 ?2022 ? 22:10 + ?


?!/? ??/??/b>


? 24 ? 2022 ? 22:00 + ?


?1971 ?19


? 30 ? 2022 ? 23:45 + ?


/ Quo Vadis (2001) ? ?


? 25 ? 2022 ? 17:27 + ?




? 11 ? 2022 ? 23:57 + ?


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? 11 ? 2022 ? 23:54 + ?


 : [4] 3 2 1