Брат? JOHANN THEODOR DE BRY (1560-1623)?JOHANN ISRAEL DE BRY (1565-1609), сыновья гравер?THEODOR DE BRY (1528-1598)
Алфави??замечательны?гравюр?из книг?"Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt), 1592? прижизненное издани?
Пр?их книг?"Emblemata Saecularia" уж?есть великолепный пост lufer_lj, та?он?называет? "Emblematum Secularium", издана во Франкфурте ?1627 году, то есть на 35 ле?позж? Чт?интересн?- гравюр?почт?не повторяют?, кром?нескольких. Полность?эт?издани?книг?я не нашл? може?- гд?то он??есть, пока неоцифрованн?. Зато алфави?- практическ?вс?картинки, ?очен?хороше?разрешении, раньше я видела только нескольк?картинок из него ?хуже качество?

Letters of the alphabet decorated with animals, insects and plants: A-Z. 1596
Nova Alphati effictio

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); A; the letter of the alphabet is entwined by a tree with the figures of Adam and Eve

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); B; letter of the alphabet with a putti sitting above and Abel below. 1595 Engraving

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); C; letter of the alphabet with Cain holding a jawbone above his head and with a trophy

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); G; letter of the alphabet with Goliath.

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); F; letter of the alphabet with a standing female nude (Fides) holding a book

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); E; letter of the alphabet with Esau wearing a wreath, a trophy with armour

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); D; letter of the alphabet with a standing nude female entwined by a snake

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); Y; letter of the alphabet representing Ypsilon with two putti; a lobster dangles lower

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); W; letter of the alphabet with an angel (Truth) sitting in profile

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); V; letter of the alphabet with a warrior (Vrias) holding a scimitar and a putti at top...

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); T; letter of the alphabet with Thomas holding on to the shaft of the letter

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); S; letter of the alphabet with a winged female term (Salomon; Solomon?)

R; letter of the alphabet with a soldier (Rehoboam) holding a scimitar and a palm; includes a dangling beetle and moth. 1595

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); Q; letter of the alphabet with two female allegorical figures (Qværite)

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); O; letter of the alphabet with two putti's and two snakes and a trophy in the centre

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); M; letter of the alphabet with Moses holding the tablets of the ten commandments.

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); L; letter of the alphabet with St Luke accompanied by his attribute the bull.

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); I (i); letter of the alphabet with Judith holding up the head of Holofernes

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); H; letter of the alphabet with a soldier in armour (Holofernes).

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); N; letter of the alphabet with Noah wearing a turban holding up a bunch of grapes

Nova Alphati effictio; Johann Theodor de Bry (Print made by); Z; letter of the alphabet (Zelotes) with a naked female and satyr;

Heraldic device with a skull; with other vanitas iconography: an hourglass; at left are withered plants and at right a flower in full blossom

Emblem; A woman sits in a barrel as a man prods a spear through a hole to the inside; a man has been pulled from the other end of the barrel and is attacked by a soldier; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; A crown and sceptre is held up and supported by a rabbit and dog; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

Emblem; A richly dressed man sits astride a hovering globe with a landscape beyond; he is tugged on either side by a a figure representing Religion at left and a woman at r; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

Emblem; three allegorical women sit in the clouds above; the woman in the centre dangles a string with a small globe attached to the end on which a man precariously balances; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; A naked woman and a satyr embrace and sit on a bed together; the satyr offers the woman a necklace; Cupid, in despair, sits on the floor with a broken bow and arrows; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; A young man flees towards a doorway exit from a naked woman reclining on a bed; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; in a well-furnished room a woman trips over a man who lies on the floor; at left, a woman with her face covered pulls on the handle to a door; an amorous couple sit together at a dining table beyond; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

Emblem; Soldiers fighting with weapons; beyond three figures with speech-bubbles; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; a large boar with a collar and ring through its nose runs to right; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

Emblem; A crouching, naked women covers her face and sits on a pedestal-pyre; a group of men attempt to ignite her with candles and smoke billows from her posterior; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

Emblem; two naked women, one in a bathtub, embrace a reluctant jester or fool and pull aside his clothing to reveal his genitals; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

The Golden Age; an idyllic paradise with naked figures reclining and relaxing in a landscape together with a variety of animals; in the foreground a peacock is prominent; above lying on a cloud is Time; circular plate. 1608; Copy of the print by Nicolaes de Bruyn (Hollstein 129; Roethlisberger 70). Engraving

Diana discovering the pregnancy of Callisto; Diana sits with her entourage of nymphs in a wooded glen, circular plate

The Venetian wedding after Goltzius; a group of elegantly dressed men and women flank a bride and groom; to the right is a senator dressed in a toga; musicians play in the loggia on the right and two commedia dell'arte figures enter at left (Magnifico and his assistant Zanni); with a view of the lagoon in the background; circular design; A copy of a large engraving by Goltzius of 1584 (B.III.76.247; Hollstein 292).

Judith beheading Holofernes; she grabs a hand-full of hair, almost pulling Holofernes from his bed, and raises a large scimitar; circular design

Decorated frieze with an oval scene of Jacob at the bed of his elderly father Isaac receiving his blessing with Rebekah standing by

Lot and his daughters; in the distance, smoke pours from Sodom; Lot's wife has been transformed into a pillar of salt; with strapwork elements; circular design. Engraving

St Jerome in a room with an arched ceiling; he sits before the bible in the foreground; behind him is a pew-bench and table; a lion is in the background lying near Jerome's bed. Engraving

Sardanapalus in the bath. A bearded man bathing and tended by six, largely naked, women; unsigned; design for a plate; in a circle with an ornamented frieze; after de Vos. Engraving

Emblem; A naked woman (Venus?), seen from behind, reclines; she is accompanied by Cupid who fondles her hair; beyond a hairy wildman crawls on the ground on the outskirts of a wood; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592. Engraving

mblem; A bearded man and Death flank a globe; illustration from the brothers de Bry's "Emblemata Saecularia" (Frankfurt). 1592

Copy of Dürer's woodcut of 1522, of the Great Triumphal Car (Bartsch 139); in a chariot Emperor Maximilian, wearing the imperial robes and the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, accompanied by numerous allegorical figures; Victoria kneels behind him holding a laurel wreath over his head, the cardinal virtues standing on pedestals at the four corners of the car; the car is driven by Ratio; with inscriptions next to the figures
Theodor de Bry (1528-98, Johann’s father) had been a goldsmith in Liège who found himself obliged, as a Protestant, to leave that Catholic city in 1570. After living in Strasbourg for several years, he relocated again, to Frankfurt, in 1588, where he established himself as a book-seller and publisher, many of his volumes being illustrated with engravings by his own hand. He was aided in this enterprise by his sons Johann Theodor (1561-1623) and Johann Israël (ca. 1570-1611). The de Bry firm issued almost two hundred books, including a renowned series of illustrated accounts of the Americas, emblem-books, and the mystical & alchemical works of Robert Fludd and Michael Maier.
Johann Theodor de Bry was born in Liège in 1561, the eldest son of the engraver and publisher Theodor de Bry. It was from his father that Johann learned his craft, producing both A branch of Christianity taking its name from Martin Luther (1483-1546), a German theologian who challenged the authority of Rome. For Luther, the Bible was the sole basis of faith. His open dissent led to a break with the Catholic Church. This was the trigger that started the Reformation. After the initial confrontation with the established faith, Lutheranism developed within the divided Reformation movement as a separate Church. De Bry family settled in Frankfurt am Main, a safe haven for Lutherans at this time of religious discord. Together with his father and brother (Johann Israël de Bry), Johann published two popular emblem books. He also produced engravings from celebrated contemporary painters. De Bry died in Frankfurt in 1623.