не любл?лиру, ?на жж ?основном, вс?на английском, ?практическ?вс?заброшен?
та?странн? врод?бы сейчас интернет-активность ?люде?очен?высока, ?во?творческие идеи стре?тся ?нулю.
?времен? ?нрав? (?
не нравит? мн?эт?
]]>впроче? эт?явн?знак ?тому, чт?пора отвлечься на другое.
например, начать писать на кинк-фест.
?уж?скучаю. Эт?тако?странное чувств? ?уж?не могу представит?свою жизн?бе?те?.
]]>Кажется, правильн?гово?? чт?самы?сильны?увлечения - те, которы?имею?корн??детств???нутся оттуда.
Пожалу? ?ме? 3 таки?вещи. Эт?строительн? ?грузов? техник? "Трансформеры" ?"Кошмар на улиц??зо?quot;.
Во?теперь мн?рвёт крыш?по последнему.
Чувствую се? горазд?счастливее.
]]>Когд?то...може?быть, этой зимо?
The sky was falling and streaked with blood
I heard you calling me, then you disappeared into the dust
Up the stairs, into the fire
Up the stairs, into the fire
I need your kiss, but love and duty called you someplace higher
Somewhere up the stairs, into the fire
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
You gave your love to see, in fields of red and autumn brown
You gave your love to me and lay your young body down
Up the stairs, into the fire
Up the stairs, into the fire
I need you near, but love and duty called you someplace higher
Somewhere up the stairs, into the fire
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
It was dark, too dark to see, you held me in the light you gave
You lay your hand on me
Then walked into the darkness of your smoky grave
Up the stairs, into the fire
Up the stairs, into the fire
I need your kiss, but love and duty called you someplace higher
Somewhere up the stairs, into the fire
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your strength give us strength
May your faith give us faith
May your hope give us hope
May your love give us love
May your love bring us love
Просто прикрыть глаз? Вдохнуть уж?почт?летний воздух, запа?пья?щего ?жёлого вина дождливо?ночь?
?просто чувствоват? чт?стал?немног?теплее. Потому чт?гд?то гори?твой огон?