продолжени?Открытка -туннел? Част?2. Альбом? книг? календар? ?другие варианты использования техник?/b> |
Не могу удержать? ?ещ?нескольк?рабо??замечательны?идей вдогонку.
Современны?работы художниц?Кэро?Бартон, чья книг?quot;Скульптурные форм?quot; послужил?толчко?для возрождения этой техник?
ее блог: https://carolbartonstudio.wordpress.com/about/
Tunnel Map, silkscreened tunnel book, edition of 150, printed at Women's Studio Workshop
Everyday Road Signs, silkscreened edition of 50, 1988, printed at Women's Studio Wkshop
Loom, offset tunnel book, edition of 600, printed at Pyramid Atlantic Center
Конечн? нель? обойтись бе?упоминан? удивительног?художник?Ingrid Dijkers, создающе?необыкновенные работы ?жанр?Ар?бу??Tunnel book, загляните ?ее блог: https://ingriddijkers.blogspot.com/ , получите масс?удовольств?
Just a few photos right now of a new journal I am working on.
It's far from done, but I just couldn't wait to share a little.
This is "Under the Sea", part tunnel book with a strong SteamPunk influence. I am just beginning to add adapted illustrations from the original "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".
I had far too much fun adding the bottles of "Specimens" from Captain Nemo's vast collection he has on board his underwater vessel.
This past year I have had such a busy teaching schedule that I have had so very little time to indulge in the making of many new journals. Next year I have decided to really cut back on the workshops so that I have more time to play.
Just wanted to share a few more spreads from "Under the Sea". I have begun using layers of images that are beginning to give the book a lot of depth.
?блог?Скра?фантазии проходит задани?создае?тоннел? ?я сраз?подумала, конечн?эт?буде?альбом- тоннел?пр?Алис??стране чуде??ее падени??кроличью нору. Итак, вуаля!
Основа бумага для акварели, спре??тушь. Распечатан??наклеены по круг?фраз?из первой глав?пр?Алис? Альбом мн?очен?нравиться, теперь лежи??ме? вдохновляет, ведь поле?фантазии ?вдохновень?эт? таже самая кролич? нора - бездонная ?непредсказуемая.
Стат? ?блог?https://sfcb.org/blog/2011/06/28/tunnel-books-and-cutouts-by-pistolespress/
The beautiful handmade, hand-cut books by PistolesPress were among my first introduction to book arts. They were definitely my first introduction to tunnel books.
Tunnel books, or peepshow books, are books in which cutouts allow the viewer to see through several pages or the entire book to create an illusion of depth and create a stage-like scene. They are usually in concertina form, which allows the book to stand on its own for display, and for more space staggered between the pages. PistolesPress instead uses accordion books (as directly below), and codex-bound books (below that) with the cut-out pages staggered, to create scenes.
For more on different books types (and an example of a concertina book) see my previous post about it.
посмотреть можн?ту? https://www.flickr.com/photos/ufocinque/with/5491289879/#photo_5491289879
?ещ?замечательны?работы авто?Betina Pauly https://blog.bettina-pauly.com/
ее же:
?во??ег?галерея: https://a.parsons.edu/~dezsoa/BOOKS_Tunnel1.html
https://stranamasterov.ru/node/395577?tid=1411 авто? витапр?/a>
Работа ?рамк?по?стекло?
Made for the Millennium in a Box* project, this hand-cut and -folded tunnel book holds a tiny cosmos. Constructed from Classic Laid Duplex paper, it creates a mesmerizing vortex when opened. It also resembles a miniaturized art gallery space of sorts, with colourful images of the zodiac lining each side. Alongside these are dates marking apocalyptic predictions, the names of the “seers,” and the anticipated method of destruction. Offering infinite narratives — and many “endings,” but no end — this book gestures towards the repetitive rhythms of history, while critiquing the often dangerous human fascination with our own end, and the unquestioning “worship” of the latest trend, be it in the form of a theory, buzzword, charismatic personality, or material thing.
Sainte-Chapelle Tunnel Book, ©Mary Kocol
This tunnel book is made of transparent and inkjet pages, designed after the
famous Gothic cathedral in Paris built 1240. Mixed media.
tunnel book entitled ‘Fly Me To The Moon & Back’! An incredibly detailed little scene is made up of intricately cut paper concertinaed into a book form; so much visually & figuratively packed into a space of just 9 by 9 by 10 inches! Peek into the window & you get to play peeping tom in this mid century couple’s life of domestic bliss. Truly amazing work by Jenny Swearington, from the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. An artist of many talents, including printmaking, clothing creation & textile design; more of her work is available at jennythreads https://scathinglybrilliantideas.wordpress.com/2009/07/29/things-i-think-are-scathingly-brilliant-jenny-swearington/
Серия сообщени?"Идейники ?тематические подборки":
Част?1 - интересные открыточки оригинальной форм?/a>
Част?2 - МК разные коробочк?/a>
Част?11 - открытки необычно?форм?/a>
Част?12 - Открытка-туннел? МК, образц?(част?1)
Част?13 - продолжени?Открытка -туннел? Част?2. Альбом? книг? календар? ?другие варианты использования техник?br/>Част?14 - мужская открытка от Ален?Шапель
Част?15 - Для вдохновения - белоснежны?открытки
Част?47 - Скра?для вдохновения
Част?48 - Выкройки ?шаблон?домо??домико?/a>
Част?49 - Домики своими руками.Множеств?варианто?
Рубрик? | Интересные работы из инет?/a> Открытки |
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