Так как все мы населяем Землю, каждый из нас считается Землянином. В термине «Землянин» нет никакой дискриминации по полу, расе или видовой принадлежности. Он охватывает всех и каждого из нас: теплокровного или холоднокровного, млекопитающего, позвоночного или беспозвоночного, птиц, рептилий, земноводных, рыб и человекоподобных.

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Спас. Люд. Донбаса

Donbass: The Grey Zone

Donbass: The Grey Zone
Donetsk and Luhansk regions declared independence from Ukraine in 2014. Residents refused to recognise the results of Euromaidan. Since then, there has been a civil war going on. On February 12, 2015, a set of measures was signed to implement the Minsk agreements. The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the militia units of Donbass officially withdrew heavy weapons from the front line. Between the warring parties were civilians who suffered every day from the consequences of the war.
The locals call their territory the Grey Zone. There are shellings from the Ukrainian side almost every day. Shelling hits houses and kills people. But life goes on. One of the characters in the film is a little girl who plays with ammunition instead of toys.
Watch her and other residents’ stories in the film ‘Donbass: The Grey Zone’.
Спас. Люд. Донбаса

Maidan: Road to War

Maidan: Road to War was shot from 2014 to 2022, as the DNR and LNR territory was subjected to daily shelling from Ukraine. The film delves into the 2014 situation in Ukraine and pieces together the course of events.
The Maidan protests in Kiev in 2013 were prompted by the government’s decision to suspend the signing of the association agreement with the European Union. At first, the protests looked like a rock festival, but soon signs of hostility started to creep in from politicians and nationalists.
They were deliberately provocative. The leaders of nationalist organisations admit they had been preparing for violent street riots long before the protests engulfed Kiev. They planned a revolution to depose the government.
See how the events unfolded and what eventually led to the conflict in our film.
Спас. Люд. Донбаса

Манифест за Федеративную Республику Украина!

Путин собирается обнародовать Миру все преступления Киевской и Западной власти на Украине, он говорил: Когда начнут меня слушать, я расскажу все то, что взорвет ваш мозг, будет процесс над всеми участниками этих преступлений против человечества "Нюрнберг-2"!

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