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Studying from textbooks is one method to help you learn native English.
Learning English as a second language is a challenging feat. To learn native English you will have to devote hours of study and concentration overcoming your fears about speaking a new and unfamiliar language. However, there are various methods to help you learn English that way natives speak it to facilitate learning the language. Utilize techniques such as studying, reading, listening and immersing yourself in the language to help you learn native English.
1. Read English. The best books for reading English when you are a beginner is to start with simple children's books. The sentences, as they are meant for early readers, will be much simpler. Try ESL (English as a second language) books as another option. Study these books often and pay attention to spelling, grammar and vocabulary.
2. Listen to English. The best way you can learn to speak English like natives is to listen to them speak it. Whether it be in conversation, audio books or watching English television, listening to English will help you pick up native English quicker than mere studying from text books.
3. Write down new words that you hear. Practicing writing English will help your writing skills, which will enhance your speaking skills. Write down new words that you do not know or understand, so you will remember to look them up later. Try to incorporate the new words into your conversation.
4. Talk to native speakers. This will help you pick up on the slang, practice your English in conversation with people who will know if you are making mistakes and will enable you to ask questions about words or phrases you do not understand. Visit an English-speaking country and immerse yourself in the language.
5. Practice the language. A hindrance to learning native English can be the fear of speaking the language in public for worry that you will make a mistake in conversation or embarrass yourself. You need to be constantly speaking the language in to learn and perfect it, so always practice despite the fear that you may be saying something incorrect. Practice will eventually allow you to overcome fear.
6. Use an online resource. There are plenty of websites that offer free resources to learn English, including reading and listening exercises and lesson plans to help you learn the language.
7. Take a formal class. An ESL class can be one of the most effective ways to learn native English. The instructor will be able to help you learn English by providing English-language exercises, workbooks and reading materials. You will be able to ask questions and learn from your classmates. Research English language classes in your area.