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I hadn't heard of Violet Trefusis until I watched the mini-series adaption of "Portrait of a Marriage"; but after that, I wanted to know everything about her. Arguably Vita Sackville-West's affair with Virginia Woolf has become more famous over time than her affair with Violet, but I think that the Violet/Vita relationship is so much more meaningful: it's a truly grand, sweepingly epic, and heartbreakingly tragic tale. It's impossible not to feel sympathetic for both Violet and Vita -- they both make mistakes and have flaws, but there is a true love between them that could never be fully realized due to the constraints of the time.
Souhami does a fantastic job of weaving together Violet's world with her mother's, starkly comparing and contrasting their love affairs and they way they chose to live their lives. Truthfully, at first I thought I would skim over most parts not about Violet/Vita, but right away I was sucked into all of the Edwardian high class drama and I truly enjoyed everything this book had to offer.
BrokenTune | Aug 21, 2016 |

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